Saturday, October 23, 2010

Slow cooker overnight sausage breakfast recipe

This came so close to working....
(NB Since I first wrote this post, I've got it to work! See the verdict!)

I wanted to find a few more ideas for overnight breakfasts both for weekday mornings and for when we had company. 

We love sausages so I tried to see what would happen if I cooked them overnight. I think this will work with the modifications I suggest in the Verdict so go with me...

Ingredients for 4:

6-8 uncooked pork sausages
2 onions - red would be nice - sliced
6 tomatoes, sliced
2 sprigs thyme


In a frying pan/skillet, brown off the sausages until very light golden. Pop the onions into your slow cooker in an even layer. Then do the same with the tomatoes. Add the sprigs of thyme - no need to chop. Place the sausages on top and cook on Low for 8 hours. 


The main issue here was that we cooked these for more like 9 hours. By this time, the edges of the by now gorgeously gooey veggies were charring so there was very little edible veggie goodness to go with each serving, although the uncharred bits were awesome (I'm really selling this here, aren't I?).

The sausages looked a beautiful burnished bronze colour but were disappointingly dry. I think the main problem was simply that I used good quality butcher's sausages which have very little fat in them. On this one occasion, a somewhat cheaper sausage would probably have saved the day (although I'm not going to scrape the barrel on the sausage front).

I might have also done better using the smaller slow cooker on this but it's new and I don't yet trust it. We're working our way into our relationship. 

I will try this again one day but probably on a day when I'm in so I can see how it works up close. The flavours though were spot on so I think it will be worth perfecting this one with the above-mentioned tweaks.

A few weeks later....I tried this again with some lovely Italian Sausages (Sainsburys Taste the Difference, if you must know!). I used the smaller slow cooker and cooked them during the day. I also only lightly browned some of them - literally just adding a tiny bit of colour. At 5 hours, they were only just cooked and I didn't try the ones I'd browned least (if that makes sense!) as you don't give a toddler undercooked sausage for her tea, at leas tnot if you want to sleep that night!). At 7 hours, when we had ours, they were glorious, still moist and the onions were only just cooked; in fact one onion which I'd sliced too thickly was still a bit tough. So do try this but don't use posh butchers sausages - use something with a slightly higher fat content. And enjoy!

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